Beaumont 3761 4 Part Stainless Steel Condiment Holder

Load up on cocktail condiments with this stainless steel condiment holder from Beaumont. This four part condiment holder allows you to stock up before service - staying highly organised.Able to...

Beaumont 3762 5 Part Stainless Steel Condiment Holder

Load up on cocktail condiments with this stainless steel condiment holder from Beaumont. This five part condiment holder allows you to stock up before service - staying highly organised.Able to...

Beaumont Mezclar Tin on Tin Boston Cocktail Shaker Stainless Steel

Add a classic and practical touch to your bar, with the tin-on-tin cocktail shaker from Beaumont. Thanks to the thin, yet strong construction of the shaker, it makes a very...
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